2. 7. 2015

6 ideas What to do during summer

Hello everyone! Finally, it's summer! I am so happy, because I can wake up whenever I want and do what I want.. but sometimes I just don't know what to do and then everything gets boring. So I decided to write some ideas which you and your friends or family can do during summer holiday. 

Ahojte všetci! Konečne je tu leto! Som veľmi rada, že môžem vstať kedy chcem a robiť čo chcem..ale niekedy proste neviem čo mám robiť a potom sa všetko stáva nudným. Tak som sa rozhodla napísať pár nápadov, ktoré môžeš so svojimi kamaratmi alebo rodinou robiť počas letných prázdnin.

1. Go on a trip

It doesn't matter, if you are near beach, mountains, lake, forest or a nice city you always like to visit. Go for a walk or you can go running too! These trips are always better, when you are not alone, so grab your friends and go somewhere ;-)

Nezáleží na tom, či ste pri pláži, horách, jazere, lese alebo peknom meste, ktoré vždy radi navštívite. Choďte na prechádzku alebo môžete ísť behať! Tieto výlety sú vždy lepšie vtedy, keď nie ste samy, takže zoberte svojich kamarátov a choďte niekde ;-)

2. Try something adventurous
Bungee jumping
I've got only four words for this: YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE.  

Na toto mám len 3 slová: ŽIJEŠ IBA RAZ.

Honestly, I don't know how to surf.. I only know that it is hard, but look at it! It looks amazing! :D 

Úprimne, surfovať neviem.. viem len, že je to ťažké, ale pozrite na to! Vyzerá to úžasne! :D

Scuba diving
I think that exploring underwater world is something amazing and without sharks it's also fun :D (at least for me :D)

Myslím si, že spoznávanie podvodného sveta je úžasné a bez žralokov je to aj sranda :D (aspoň pre mňa. :D)

For someone, rafting can be too dangerous and I am not surprise :D. But I always wanted to try it...

Pre niekoho je rafting príliš nebezpečný a ja sa ani nečudujem :D. Ale vždy som to chcela vyskúšať...

3. Make a party
Garden party
Invite your friends and have fun, it's summer! 

Pozvite svojich priateľov a zabavte sa, je leto! 

Pool partyTurn on good music, jump into water, throw a balloon and voilà! Perfect pool party. 

Zapnite dobrú hudbu, skočte do vody, hoďte balón a voilà! Perfektná "pool party".

4. Read a book.. or more :D

It's a kind of relax and classics for any holiday I think. 

Je to druh relaxu a podľa mňa aj klasika pre akékoľvek prázdniny.

5. Inline skating or cycling? 

Both are good ideas and you also do something for yourself.

Obidva sú dobré nápady a taktiež robíte niečo pre seba.

6. Try a new smoothie or food 

But don't forget: 

Ale nezabudnite:

.. and smile ;-) 

... a úsmev ;-)

xoxo Victoria

29. 6. 2015


Hello everyone! So, I was in Vienna with my classmates and it was gorgeous!
Our trip started on Friday morning. We travelled with a train and after 5 hours we were finally in Vienna. We moved with an underground to our hotel. I was in a room with my 5 best friends and we were laughing all the time. 

Ahojte všetci! Takže, bola som vo Viedni s mojimi spolužiakmi a bolo to úžasne. Náš výlet začal v piatok ráno. Cestovali sme s vlakom a po 5 hodinách sme boli konečne vo Viedni. Presunuli sme sa metrom k nášmu hotelu. Na izbe som bola s mojimi 5 najlepšími kamarátkami a smiali sme sa celú dobu.

We saw a lot of beautiful historic places like Schönbrunn, Stephansdom and so. Schönbrunn has gorgeous surroundings. There is a zoo and a place, where children can play. Of course that we went there! :D There is a place with mirrors too! One mirror makes your legs longer and the other one not. It was funny to see how we looked like. But then I stopped and looked around. My friends looked like they were drunk or something like that. I couldn't stop laughing.

Videli sme veľa historických miest ako Schönbrunn, Stephansdom a tak. Schönbrunn má úžasné okolie. Je tam zoo a miesto, kde sa deti môžu hrať. Samozrejme, že sme tam išli! :D Je tam aj miesto so zrkadlami. Jedno zrkadlo vám nohy predĺži a ďalšie nie. Bola sranda sa pozerať ako vyzeráme. Ale potom som sa poobzerala. Moje kamarátky vyzerali ako opité alebo niečo také. :D Nemohla som sa prestať smiať.

Then we went to Madame Tussauds and made a looot of photos. Madame Tussauds is in Prater and that's a theme park. Some students lost, what is normal for our class so we were calm and sat on the ground...and I was wearing a skirt. :D  Although we had a lot of problems our teachers were so patient. This trip was AMAZING and unforgettable.

Potom sme šli do Madame Tussauds a urobili veeľa fotiek. Madame Tussauds sa nachádza v Prateri a to je zábavný park. Niektorí spolužiaci sa stratili, čo je pre našu triedu normálne, takže sme boli kľudní a sadli si na zem... a ja v mojej sukni. :D Aj napriek tomu, že sme mali veľa problémov, naše učiteľky boli veľmi trpezlivé. Tento výlet bol ÚŽASNÝ a určite nezabudnuteľný. 

xoxo Victoria

28. 5. 2015

DIY Face Mask

Acne Face Mask with Cinnamon
-1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder

-1 lyžičku škoricového prášku

1. Put one teaspoon of cinnamon powder in a bowl.
2. Add two teaspoons of honey.
3. Mix the ingredients until they are blended well. If the mixture is thick, add more honey.
Then slather it on your face and leave it on for at least 10 to 15 minutes. 
4. Then wash your face, obviously. :-D

1. Dajte jednu lyžičku škoricového prášku do misky.
2. Pridajte dve lyžičky medu.
3. Miešajte ingrediencie, pokým budú dobre zmiešané. Ak bude zmes hustá, pridajte viac medu. Potom si ju naneste na tvár a počkajte 10 až 15 minút. 
4. Potom si samozrejme umyte tvár. :-D

xoxo Victoria

12. 5. 2015

New projects?

Hello everyone! I know that I didn't write a post for a little bit longer time, but I had to read a lot of books for school and this week will be really busy (i mean in school :D). But I wanted to let you know about some "projects" or some ideas for new posts, that I am planning. I hope that you will like them, because I am so excited about it. :-)

Ahojte všetci! Viem, že som už trochu dlho nedala nový post, ale musím čítať veľa kníh do školy a tento týždeň bude dosť rušný (myslím v škole :D). Ale aj tak som vám chcela povedať o "projektoch" alebo o nápadoch na nové posty, ktoré plánujem. Dúfam, že sa vám budú páčiť, pretože ja som z toho nadšená. :-)

So, I am going to Vienna, with my classmates and I am looking forward to go there. I know, that just a normal trip with them is great, so I am not afraid of something like boredom :D. 
I want to do some DIY projects and other stuff. I don't want to disclose everything, so that's all for today. ;-)

Takže, pôjdem do Viedne s mojimi spolužiakmi (a spolužiačkami :D) a veľlmi sa na to teším. Viem, že už len normálny výlet s nimi je úžasný, takže sa ani nebojím o niečo také ako je nuda :D. 
Chcela by som urobiť aj nejaké DIY projekty a aj iné veci. No nechcem všetko prezradiť, takže toto je pre dnes všetko.  ;-)

xoxo Victoria

4. 5. 2015

Top 3...

Hello!! What's up? This post isn't another Monday inspiration.. this post will be about my favourite things, which i like now, so maybe if you will ask me one month later, it maybe won't be the same. And guys, you can also ask me on my ask.fm or right here in the comment section. So, let's get start it! ;-)

Top 3 favourite songs
So right now I am listening a song from Wiz Khalifa- "See you again" a lot! I really love this and.... that's it! :-) 
The next song that i like is "GDFR" from Flo Rida. In my opinion, this song is one of those, that when you hear it, you'll probably start dancing :D.
And I don't know, which song will be the next one, because I am listening to music a lot and I have a lot of favourite songs... Oh, really hard! But I think that "Worth it" by Fifth harmony is a nice song.

Top 3 favourite books
Okay guys, I have to tell you that I am not reading a lot of books. Right now I am reading some books for school, and because I was lazy, now I have a lot of work with it :D. But books that i want to read are: Looking for Alaska.. and generally every book by John Green ;-)

Top 3 favourite things to eat
So, because I am something like obsessed with food, this question is like made for me. I really love popcorn :D, chicken with rice. And something from vegetables or fruit... I think that mostly I like carrots :D 

Top 3 favourite things to watch on TV
Okay, I am in love with HIMYM. I saw it 3 times. My family don't like it, just because they saw it 3 times with me :D. But I don't care, I am watching it again and again... 
Then I like Modern family and The big bang theory. Of course that there are more things that I like, for example Divergent or TFIOS, Hunger games and so... but this question was made for TV, not for cinema.. but if it'll be for cinema, these 3 will be there :-).

Top 3 favourite animals
I have a dog, his name is Lucky and he is so cute and I love him so much, so first animal will be a dog. 
I like a lot of animals, for example little cute monkeys with big eyes.. they are just too cute!! 
And I like penguins...or? Maybe, I don't know :D 

Top 3 favourite colours
I guess that I like every colour... But maybe black, baby blue and turquoise colour are my favourite ones :D.

Top 3 favourite places
So... my Top 3 favourite places are my bed, our livingroom and wherever I am with people I love (or like, whatever :D) :-).

So, hope that you like it, don't take it too serious please, because everyone of us like something. And it isn't a rule, that everyone must like what other people like.
Hope that you are having a wonderful day and bye for now.

xoxo Victoria

27. 4. 2015

Next monday inspiration?

Well hello everyone! This is the second monday inspiration, so I'm thinking about making a new tradition? I will be so happy if you will say me, if it is good idea or not. You can also ask me on my new ask : http://ask.fm/vikina88 
Okay then! I think that we can start! ;-)

Last couple of days I was trying to live healthier life, but honestly it isn't easy! 
I was trying to "drink healthy" (and i am still trying ;-)), but what about other things? I think that this sounds like a new challenge! So.. the first challenge was about drinks like detox water, juice, lemonade and so.. and now i want to do a new challenge: SLEEP MORE! Okay guys, again it can sounds weird. But sleeping is so important! 
For example: your brain is relaxing, when you are sleeping. Your body relax too! I mean: brain and body relax? What can be better? :D So... as i said, last couple of days were hard. Because i have to read a lot of books for school, learning for a lot of exams and so.. And i was sleeping only for 6 hours. I decided to to sleep more. Little bit weird challenge, but i hope that a lot of you guys will enjoy this with me. And also as you could see, we are making our lives better step by step. 

Okay, so this is everything for today. Hope that you are having a wonderful day.
xoxo Victoria

21. 4. 2015

Healthy drinks

Hey guys! So... This post will be about healthy drinks, which are easy to make. 
As i wrote here: http://xoxvictoria.blogspot.sk/2015/04/monday-inspiration.html ,
I wanted to make a little challenge or something like that... I wanted to drink whole week only detox water or normal water without sugar. But for someone it can be boring. So, I decided to write some other tips, how to restrict sugar in water. Okay! Let's get start it! :-)

1. Detox water 

I am looking forward to summer, when there will be more fruits and vegetables in grocery. 
This is easy to make and you don't need so much time to make it. 

2. Juice

Once i made detox water with apple, strawberry, lemon and orange. Then I mixed it, gave there sugar and filtrated it. It was so yummy. I didn't think that it can be so good. Of course, that if you don't want to put there sugar, i have found some recipes, where you don't need sugar. :-)

Beet Juice
1 green apple
1 beet
2 medium carrots

Spinach and Blueberry Juice
3 large carrots
1 handful of spinach
1.5 cups of cantaloupe
1 lemon
1.5 cups of blueberries
1 apple

And.. another one ;-)
1 apple
0.5 of lemon
1 orange

3. Lemonade without sugar

I think that everyone drank lemonade. Yes... that sweet taste of my childhood. But what if we don't want to put on weight with a lot of sugar in it? So easy! Don't give there sugar! I know... it'll be acidic, but it is still way to "drink healthy". And if you want something like this, but sweeter, you can try it with orange! It is pretty good and honestly, I can drink an "orange drink" every day! Go and try it! And also you can put mint to your lemonade or orange version of lemonade. 

Okay, so that is everything for today. Hope that you like these ways of no-sugar healthy ideas of drinks. Have an amazing day and drink a lot of water! ;-) :D

xoxo, Victoria