29. 6. 2015


Hello everyone! So, I was in Vienna with my classmates and it was gorgeous!
Our trip started on Friday morning. We travelled with a train and after 5 hours we were finally in Vienna. We moved with an underground to our hotel. I was in a room with my 5 best friends and we were laughing all the time. 

Ahojte všetci! Takže, bola som vo Viedni s mojimi spolužiakmi a bolo to úžasne. Náš výlet začal v piatok ráno. Cestovali sme s vlakom a po 5 hodinách sme boli konečne vo Viedni. Presunuli sme sa metrom k nášmu hotelu. Na izbe som bola s mojimi 5 najlepšími kamarátkami a smiali sme sa celú dobu.

We saw a lot of beautiful historic places like Schönbrunn, Stephansdom and so. Schönbrunn has gorgeous surroundings. There is a zoo and a place, where children can play. Of course that we went there! :D There is a place with mirrors too! One mirror makes your legs longer and the other one not. It was funny to see how we looked like. But then I stopped and looked around. My friends looked like they were drunk or something like that. I couldn't stop laughing.

Videli sme veľa historických miest ako Schönbrunn, Stephansdom a tak. Schönbrunn má úžasné okolie. Je tam zoo a miesto, kde sa deti môžu hrať. Samozrejme, že sme tam išli! :D Je tam aj miesto so zrkadlami. Jedno zrkadlo vám nohy predĺži a ďalšie nie. Bola sranda sa pozerať ako vyzeráme. Ale potom som sa poobzerala. Moje kamarátky vyzerali ako opité alebo niečo také. :D Nemohla som sa prestať smiať.

Then we went to Madame Tussauds and made a looot of photos. Madame Tussauds is in Prater and that's a theme park. Some students lost, what is normal for our class so we were calm and sat on the ground...and I was wearing a skirt. :D  Although we had a lot of problems our teachers were so patient. This trip was AMAZING and unforgettable.

Potom sme šli do Madame Tussauds a urobili veeľa fotiek. Madame Tussauds sa nachádza v Prateri a to je zábavný park. Niektorí spolužiaci sa stratili, čo je pre našu triedu normálne, takže sme boli kľudní a sadli si na zem... a ja v mojej sukni. :D Aj napriek tomu, že sme mali veľa problémov, naše učiteľky boli veľmi trpezlivé. Tento výlet bol ÚŽASNÝ a určite nezabudnuteľný. 

xoxo Victoria

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